

Below are answers some common questions.

Where is the Question ID (QID)?

Question: Where can I find the Question ID?
Answer: The Question ID is a 3 to 6 digit number and is found on the bottom right corner of each poster or sign. These can be entered via the Dashboard. or the Points page within the SCANTrivia™ app. The Question IDs are not on the interactive game wall.


Question: How do I register?
Answer: Scan any of the posters or signs at the event. Enter your information to register. You will then be able to participate.

iPhone Users

If you have registered and have been prompted to log in again, do the following: Update your Safari settings to accept cookies. Also, make sure you are not browsing in "Private" mode. Tap the button below to view detailed instructions for your iPhone.

Detailed iPhone Instructions

Cookies must be enabled in the Safari browser in order to participate. If you have already registered and is prompted to register again when you scan a code, update the settings in Safari to accept cookies.
To do this:

  1. Go to Settings then tap on Safari
  2. Under Privacy & Security tap on the Cookies Setting, it may be labeled as "Block Cookies"
  3. Set this to "Never"
  4. Note: If the verbiage is different for the iPhone, remember the objective is to allow for cookies.

    Make sure you are not browsing in Private Mode. See the screenshots below.
    Tap to enlarge

    Close all of your Safari windows and scan a QR code, enter the same e-mail address you used when you initially registered and you will be logged in!
    Tap to enlarge

    Still need help? Tap the Contact button on the bottom right and send us a message. Please include your name and the name of the Event that you are attending. We respond immediately during events.


Question: How do I check my points?
Answer: From the Dashboard (button located on bottom right corner of this screen), tap on My Activity. All of your activity will be displayed on this page.

I need more help.

Tap here to send us an e-mail. Make sure to include the name of the event that you are participating in; it will help a lot when looking up your account. We respond immediately within normal business hours and during events.

